Set Free

Thanks to your support we have been able to fund the release of Boota Masih and his family. Boota was born into bonded slavery because his father was also a bonded slave. Not only did Boota have to work in very harsh conditions ……..

but he and his family were sold from one brick kiln owner to another and forced to move and work in different brick kilns.

Boota said, “I am thankful to God for this blessing, I was much concerned about my children, I don’t want them to become slaves like me. My father was very poor; he was also a slave from his childhood. I was concerned that my children will also remain slaves all their life but God is so good. I fasted for two days for my children. I want to send them to school for better future but it was not possible as brick kiln labourer….”


We appreciate the work of Shahzad who is actively helping these desperately poor Christian families.

By |2018-06-21T20:40:39+00:00July 24th, 2012|Brick Kilns, Pakistan, Persecution, Redemption, Slavery|