When Does 8 Become 28 Plus 4

As many of you know, we have three main aims for Bringing Good News:

  1. To advance the proclamation of the gospel
  2. To relieve poverty and suffering
  3. To encourage self sufficiency

That third priority – “to encourage self-sufficiency through small income generating businesses” –  has been one of the harder aspects of the charity to achieve. So it’s great to be able to highlight one of the success stories. Three years ago, I met two Christian families living on the edge of the desert. It was unbelievably hot. The families were living in very hostile conditions both physically and spiritually. They were experiencing great pressure and intimidation from the rest of the village to turn away from following Christ. I asked my friend and translator what could we do to encourage them. He suggested we buy each family four goats to provide milk for the family.
One family now has 18 goats and four sheep. They sold some goats to buy the sheep and they have also made improvements to their home. The other family now has 11 goats. They sold some goats to help with family activities and a wedding.


By |2024-03-09T17:56:14+00:00July 25th, 2019|Income Generating Projects, Pakistan, Persecution, Special Projects|