Freedom for our 54th Family: Nazir Masih and His Family

By |2023-04-29T02:53:22+00:00July 26th, 2019|Brick Kilns, Pakistan, Redemption, Slavery|

Nazir Masih with his wife Nusrat  have been making bricks for the last 15 years. When asked why he was working as a bonded labourer to the brick kiln owner he said to save his wife and children he had to pay for caesarean operations when they were born but [...]

When Does 8 Become 28 Plus 4

By |2024-03-09T17:56:14+00:00July 25th, 2019|Income Generating Projects, Pakistan, Persecution, Special Projects|

As many of you know, we have three main aims for Bringing Good News: To advance the proclamation of the gospel To relieve poverty and suffering To encourage self sufficiency That third priority - "to encourage self-sufficiency through small income generating businesses" -  has been one of the harder aspects of [...]

How Many Churches Have They Planted?

By |2019-03-14T16:48:43+00:00March 14th, 2019|Aweil, Church Planting, Pastor Training, South Sudan|

When visiting South Sudan, I was regularly requested by bishop Abraham and bishop Michael to help with the training of pastors. Through your support we started a Bible school in Aweil three years ago and one in Abyei two years ago. On my recent trip to South Sudan I visited [...]

Kindness Can Lead to Smiles

By |2019-02-26T20:52:21+00:00February 1st, 2019|Food and Hunger, Generosity, Nepal|

Since I returned from Nepal in December, I learnt about extreme poverty in a Nepalese hill village. Thanks to your kindness we have been able to provide warm blankets for 60 families and warm clothes for 150 children living in the village. The gospel was shared and simple literature distributed. [...]

49 and Growing….

By |2018-09-17T01:23:36+00:00September 5th, 2018|Brick Kilns, Generosity, Pakistan, Redemption, Slavery|

Just imagine there is a crisis in your family and you need to borrow money. You have no collateral; your friends are poor and no credible bank will lend to you. Where would you go? This is the situation for many poor Christian families in Pakistan. What do they do? [...]

You Have Put A Smile On Their Face

By |2018-06-16T04:24:22+00:00May 19th, 2018|Brick Kilns, Pakistan, Redemption, Slavery|

Sabir Masih and his family are the 46th family you have freed from the brick kilns. Your support has transformed the life of this family. This is the report that I received: “I am glad to share that Sabir Masih has been released from the brick kiln slavery and started new [...]