Kindness Can Lead to Smiles

By |2019-02-26T20:52:21+00:00February 1st, 2019|Food and Hunger, Generosity, Nepal|

Since I returned from Nepal in December, I learnt about extreme poverty in a Nepalese hill village. Thanks to your kindness we have been able to provide warm blankets for 60 families and warm clothes for 150 children living in the village. The gospel was shared and simple literature distributed. [...]

49 and Growing….

By |2018-09-17T01:23:36+00:00September 5th, 2018|Brick Kilns, Generosity, Pakistan, Redemption, Slavery|

Just imagine there is a crisis in your family and you need to borrow money. You have no collateral; your friends are poor and no credible bank will lend to you. Where would you go? This is the situation for many poor Christian families in Pakistan. What do they do? [...]

It’s For You

By |2018-06-16T04:36:27+00:00December 16th, 2014|Generosity|

An artist friend of mine painted this picture of a colourful harlequin offering this extravagant, colourful bouquet of flowers and it’s for you. Imagine you are standing on a balcony and he is looking up at you and is offering you this wonderful gift. The painting stimulated me to think [...]

What Is The Price Of Freedom

By |2018-06-16T04:50:58+00:00August 10th, 2014|Brick Kilns, Generosity, Pakistan, Redemption|

A young man called Shahzad has been an inspiration for us to become involved in the brick kiln ministry in Pakistan. So far we are supporting 6 schools,11 Sunday schools, a few sewing centres and so far set 20 families free from slavery in the brick kilns. I am amazed [...]

A Precious Gift

By |2018-06-21T16:36:59+00:00May 2nd, 2013|Central Asia, Children's Camps, Generosity, Special Projects|

I remember listening to a sermon several years ago where the preacher said that 80% of all believers in the United States come to faith before the age of 15. That figure really stuck in my mind. It simply emphasises the importance of all those who are involved in children’s [...]

A Million Dollars

By |2018-06-21T20:04:12+00:00January 13th, 2013|Central Asia, Food and Hunger, Generosity, Special Projects|

I don't often write about Central Asia or show pictures of the people we are helping so that they do not get in trouble with the authorities. However we are still quietly helping a number of different people and projects in these countries. A friend of mine who works in [...]