Children in Katuba Township in Congo

I did not go to the Congo representing Bringing Good News but just wanted to let you know what I have been doing this month. I was invited by Peter Butt, the director of School of Ministry, to go with him to teach pastors and leaders in the Katanga Province of Congo.

We were invited by Pastor Joseph Kalenga, of Jacob’s Well church in Katuba Township, to give Bible teaching to pastors and leaders. The people were warm, friendly and very enthusiastic to receive the Bible teaching. I thoroughly enjoyed the ministry.

In the evenings we had great times of celebration with lots of passionate prayer, singing, dancing and beating of drums. Although by our standards they are very poor they can certainly teach us something about dynamic prayer and colourful worship.

Every blessing,


By |2018-06-21T22:32:42+00:00August 11th, 2011|Pastor Training|