Bishop Abraham of Aweil in South Sudan Writes…

This letter dated 5th May 12 is to update you all about the current war situation in South Sudan, as many of you have seen it in television and read it in the newspapers; the war is back to us. As we are watching television and reading about what going on through the newspapers, we learnt that many people are killed, wounded, displaced and their properties are looted or destroyed by the soldiers from Sudan government leaving them in horrible situation……

As I write this letter many of displaced people go to bed every day without food even one meal in a day is not there, leave alone shelters to protect them from the rains and no clothing to cover their skinny bodies. The displaced persons have experienced great trauma and great suffering now more than ever because no one was expecting war again so soon. In fact, people were preparing to cultivate their farms and they were working hard to start a new life in the new nation.

This letter is to inform you friends of the Diocese of Aweil that two thousand eight hundred and sixty people are displaced by the recent fight in the North Barh el Ghazal State. Therefore, I am appealing to you all, individually, a church and a community to pray for us, advocate on our behalf and consider supporting if you can to save the lives of your brothers and sisters in Christ from dying of hunger. Please may you all show them the love of Christ the need now at this difficult time in their lives?

As usual, I am truly thankful for everything you do every single time. There is no bigger blessing than friends like you always standing with us in time of trouble like this; may God bless you and reward you all for your services.

With love always!

Bishop Abraham Nhial
ECS Diocese of Aweil
South Sudan

By |2018-06-21T20:50:15+00:00May 7th, 2012|Aweil, Persecution, South Sudan|