I received a great welcome from these lovely people in South Sudan who have suffered so much. I am encouraging this congregation that meets under a tree to continue to love and serve.
The pastors and leaders were so receptive at the 3 days conference in Abyei always attentive, willing to enter into discussion and coming up with great ideas. Their smiling faces hid the poverty and suffering. I asked one pastor about his typical day and he answered, “Sometimes I eat and sometimes I don’t.” I asked where do you get your clothes and he said, “A friend gave them to me and the bishop bought my shoes.” These pastors are really poor.
On the one hand they need help with income generation and on the other hand education and training. Some of the students we support are having a great impact when they go back home. In fact one student was used by God to convert the most powerful witch doctor in his tribe. But they also need help to start small farms, small shops, sewing centres, and to purchase tools and seeds for vegetable gardens. Let’s help them lift up both their hands.