I would like to give a very big thank you to all of you who give so generously to Bringing Good News whether occasionally or on a regular basis. We have been able to help so many people this month. I was particularly pleased that we were able to send funds to help the ladies in Abyei buy sewing machines, have training in sewing techniques and to construct a simple building as a sewing workshop.
In addition we were able to fund a shop, a small vegetable farm and send money for a pastor to build a Tukel (that is a small house) all in Abyei region. We also sent funds to Bishop Abraham Nhial of Aweil for an arch deacon, who travels large distances as he oversees several churches, to buy a motor bike and we sponsored one of the bishop’s pastors to attend St John’s Bible College in Wau.
This month in Pakistan we sent support for brick kiln schools, for three more students to attend Gujranwala Christian Technical College and to buy an auto rickshaw for income generation to help a family in great need.
Finally in Ukraine we sent Viktor more support to help both the orphans and the refugees escaping the fighting in Eastern Ukraine. Victor says there are now 36,000 refugees from Eastern Ukraine and asks us to pray for peace in his country.
Thank you for your generous hearts that have helped so many people